Portfolio Submission

Over the course of the last two years I have primarily been developing my skills in 3D modelling. In the first year I had enjoyed almost every aspect of the course but the one I enjoyed the most was definitely 3D modelling and texturing. At the beginning I had never touched 3D modelling software and over the course I have learned about all of the different aspects that go into the creation of models. Over the past year I have been creating models for my Imagine Worlds and Synoptic Project. Both of these projects were polar opposite in terms of how the levels would feel. One was really dark & gritty with the genre being horror. Where as the synoptic project included a more immersive experience with the overall tone being relaxing. Both of these projects allowed me create a range of various models, that I believe fit the themes that was required. Other than 3D modelling I was one of the primary people in my groups that actually put the models into the scene and created the overall environment and layout. I have really enjoyed what I have done and I think that my hard work shows.

Synoptic Project – Conclusion & Overall Thoughts

Over the past few months me and my group have been working on creating a great product for a client. This product was a virtual Art Gallery that would work in a web browser and also be compatible with Virtual Reality. Over the course of the project I believe that me and my group have exceeded the goal that me and my group were initially aiming for. A lot of the ideas we had in our initial planning has been implemented into the final builds of the game. After the first couple weeks we had discussed including a smaller game that would allow players to steal the art however this idea was dropped due to time limitations, as we needed to create three different builds of the main game. Below was out final production schedule, which we have managed to fit to, I may have given a little bit too much time on certain jobs; but everything has been done up to this point. The polish is the final task to be done and this will be finished for the end of year show.


Throughout the course of the project we also created a collection of reference images that we had used for the assets that everyone had created to put into the level. As me and Ben were the primary 3D artists we have included all of our reference images in this power point in our documentation.

At this current time the only jobs that are left is the polish and the final playable builds. One thing I believe I should have done was include smaller more specified jobs rather than them being as broad. However this way was effective as it did show what needed to be done. Every job is complete except for the builds, this shows that the planning was well thought out and the overall goal was achievable, as we have achieved it.


The downturn sheet did also change a couple of times throughout the project due to smaller jobs being added, however we were pretty much always ahead or on schedule accept for a couple of weeks. However that was due to some of the jobs being continuous throughout many weeks of the project.


Other than just the job list I had also created an asset sheet, that would primarily allow me and Ben to keep track on what assets we had created as well as which ones needed to be done. I set them up to have different phases of development so as each phase was completed the sheet could be updated.

Asset 1Asset 2Asset 3

Every Monday in college me and my group would do a scrum to inform each other what we were doing and if we had encountered any problems. For reference each scrum sheet was either scanned or photographed and put into the google drive. Other than this a couple weeks into the project we were also given feedback to create and use a scrum log that would include notes of what each member was doing on a daily basis.


The google drive was our primary hub that we stored almost all of our work on. It allowed us to keep online back ups of everything as well as use google docs so everything could be updated by anyone who had access to the drive. The drive was laid out quite nicely and everything was easy to find. We also used this to send each other the different builds of the game as well as assets. This was more efficient than having to transfer each file using external storage.

Drive.PNGOur feedback throughout the project was primarily positive, we took most of it into consideration and used it to improve our levels. It did take us some time to get the Art Book planned, however in my opinion the concept for it turned out great.

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Overall I am really happy with how the project has turned out and I also think that the client appreciates what we have created, originally the three builds of the game seemed like a bit of a stretch goal however due to hard work we have managed to create these levels and get them working on their individual platforms. I believe that we are ready to showcase the builds on the 21st.

Below is a GIF displaying the level getting built up over time.





Synoptic Project – Finishing the Polish

My primary goal over this week and next week is to polish the level and make sure everything is to a great standard. One problem Ben has came across was that the chairs that we had sourced for the reception were a ridiculous amount of polys, this was an easy change as all we had to do was source some different assets. We went for a more modern but sophisticated look for the waiting area chairs. The computer chair did not look too different however. Ben sourced the computer chair asset but added the texture himself.


The walls were looking rather bare in the reception, due to this Ben also created some wall art as well as a smaller bench to go under on the left wall to fill in the empty space. I placed these assets into the main level build.1

Synoptic Reception.png

Another asset that needed to be added was the Easter island head. This asset also helped fill in some of the empty space in the central room.3

Also added a small desk cabinet.


I made sure that the video was imported correctly and worked in the scene with Kurtis’ help. I also added a small projector screen for the video to lay on top of so that it was not just on the wall. Other than this the projector also plays a sound effect when the user turns it on. 4

Other than this I also had to add the different animations and sounds that Ben had been working on in the VR / WebGL builds. These were added to have a bit more interaction within the scene to make it more interesting. There is also a script that outlines the objects that can be interacted with.

PencilSharpenerTill Anim

Some of the animations do not require the player to interact with the object. Such as the clocks and Air con. Ben animated his CCTV camera which was also added into the main scene.


I also added ticking audio to the clocks in the scene.
