Synoptic Project – Scrum 14/05/18

Everyone was present for today’s weekly scrum, the group has been keeping communication all week due to the final deadline being in just only a month. For me and the group this has been a very productive week as the main scenes are almost done. Ben has been working on the VR/WebGL scene and this has almost been built, it just needs some polish. I have been working on creating the main scene by importing assets and polishing the level. Luke has got a UI system working which allows the player to look at the paintings and get a description under it. Kurtis has got the video working in the test scene and now he just needs to implement this into the main scenes. This week Luke will continue to work on the UI as well as look into allowing the elevator to work. Ben will continue to work on the VR/WebGL scene. Kurtis is going to get the video working and I will begin to look into doing night time lighting for the night scene. Currently the group is 5 jobs ahead of schedule due to us sourcing a lot of the smaller assets which has allowed us to finish the scenes. We sourced assets due to time restrictions. The next month will be spent getting the levels working well.



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