Synoptic Project – Art Book Production

A few weeks ago me and Ben worked on getting a layout sorted that our art book would follow throughout its pages so that we could display out Art Gallery environment professionally. This layout of the images did change however what would be on the pages did not. The first image displayed is my individual page that will be included in the book. We planned on having one page per room within the environment as well as one individual page each. My individual page includes three different models and renders of these models that I was proud of and enjoyed making. Ben will also be creating a page similar to this. Kurtis & Luke will also be working on their pages. These pages are due to on the 14th and because of this we made sure to work on the images over the last couple of days.

Josh Individual Page

Luckily I could use the screenshot code from an earlier feature within the game build to take screenshots of the level using the player. Each page will include three 1920×1080 images that will be scaled down slightly to fit onto the page. Each page is also designated to a different room. These rooms include; the reception, theatre, cafe & gallery. We wanted to go for a nice rendered looking and use up as much space as possible on our Art Book pages. Because of this our section is going to include little to no text. Reception PageGallery PageTheatre PageCafe Page

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