Synoptic Project – Scrum 17/04/18

The groups last scrum was over two weeks ago.; This was the last scrum we were together however my group continued to communicate though a messenger chat. I used this toll to inform members of where we were at and what may need done. Other than this the scrum log was also very helpful so that everyone could log their individual contributions as they did them. Other than this we have also discussed our overall progress and how we think we have done. I will be creating a project check 2 blog post that will go more in depth with the groups progress. One problem we have encountered is that the level has a few small glitches, I think this may be cause due to changing the version of unity half way through. Due to this I will be remaking the level from scratch. Kurtis researching into lighting as well as other mechanics that will be implemented. Luke is also looking into coding and possibly modelling. Ben is going to continue to model his level.

Synoptic Project – Creating a Fire Exit Door

From my research I knew this was going to be another one of my more complex models due to some of the detail I would have to add etc. The door itself was pretty simple but I wanted it to look really authentic so I tossed around a few different ideas of what the door may look like and tried to get enough research images so that I could combine different components from each. From my research I also got the correct dimensions for my door.


First I started off by creating a rectangle in Maya and inputting the correct dimensions, I also imported my wall panel to make sure that the door would be the correct size when it was up against the wall. Using Scale from research

Once I was happy with the sizing I began to create the model.Using Wall for reference

The first step I decided to take was creating a frame around the the dimensions of the door. I bevelled the edges to make it softer but I also so that the door frame had a nice amount of detail that was not too over the top. I also added some edge loops to the mesh to pull in some of the faces on the inside of the frame so that it was not as flat.Mesh bevel no handle

Once this was done I worked on creating some of the smaller pieces that would eventually connect together and create the handle.

Handle Piece Mesh

I then also created some more of the components that would make up the handle. At this point I had thought that all of the components of the door had been added however I had realised I’d missed a small detail from the pole so I then added these. Almost Complete Mesh

These are the small little bolts that went over the pole to look like this was keeping it in place.Adding smaller Detail

This is what the finished mesh looks like.

Complete Mesh

UV unwrapping took a bit of time due to the complexity of some of the different objects however I took my time and made sure everything was sewed and sized correctly. UV Check

This was how my UVs were laid out, I tried to keep the texel density correct as well as taking up as much space as possible.


When it came to texturing the first part I chose to texture was the handle, I added a semi shiny metal to this and added some edge wear which was a slightly darker. I also made sure to have a grunge on this which was the same darkness as the edge wear so that the metal did look worn. This was part of my reference image that I noticed as a lot of fire exits look old.

Adding edge wear filter & making it look like actual metal

The next stage I added some normal details to area such as screws so it looks like parts of the mesh are screwed on as they did in reference images.

Adding Screws

I also used the projection tool again so that I could project the image below onto my door.

Projecttion tool

Originally I was going to perhaps make the door a red / blue colour however I decided against this due to the colour of the building and I did not want it to stick out a ridiculous amount. Due to this I made the base colour a painted grey wood. I asked for some feedback from Ben and he said that the asset looked good. Due to this I was happy and then rendered the object and exported the textures.Render

Synoptic Project – Creating Fire Exit Sign

This asset is another asset of mine that is simplistic in shape however this is another item that is being made to be apart of a bigger overall asset.  This will accompany and go above my fire exit door as well as possibly in other areas of the Art Gallery.Research.PNG


Checked the UVs to make sure they were not distorted as well as making sure that the texel density was correct.UV Check

When laying out the UVs I made sure to keep the front panel as a separate part so that it would be easier to texture. I also tried to keep the checkers the same size throughout however I made the little buttons on the side a little bit bigger just to fill out the space.


This was the basic textures I placed onto the mesh before adding in more detail. I used alphas to add the actual stick-man as well as the arrow and door. This was to make the item look more authentic. Texture with Emissive

I then added different detail to the white metal such as discolouring in certain areas so that the texture did not look as flat. I also used a range of the hard surfaces that were within substance to add that extra bit of detail.

Normal Detail 2

I also added some normal detail into the switch.

Normal Detail

I then created two renders of my model. One with the emissive map turned off and one with it turned on. I am happy how this has turned out and I will be importing this asset into the scene on a future date.Render NORender YES

Synoptic Project – Creating a Fire Alarm

Next on my list of assets was a smaller one. The asset would be a fire alarm which can be reciprocated and placed into the different rooms within the Art Gallery to add to the immersion and also fill up some of the empty wall spacing. At first I was tempted to go for a more retro looking fire alarm that would be pulled down however as everything else in the gallery is modern looking I thought id do the same for this. Thats why I chose to go for the break glass alarm.


The mesh was pretty easy to create, I spent some time getting the perfect size and also bevelled the different edges and made it as round as it appears in some of my research images. I also created a rectangular mesh which would act as the glass so it looked more realistic rather than it just being flat. Mesh

Unwrapping the object did not take too long and was very straight forward. I made sure everything was correct and still added the checkers just to make sure,UV Check

I also laid out the UVs so that the texel density was correct and they take up the correct amount of space. UVs

One thing I could not find on the internet was a template / image I could use for the Break Glass writing and Indication. Due to this I had to create my own using Photoshop. Then import this into substance as an alpha. Alpha

I placed the alpha onto the glass but also made the class transparent so that it would look accurate to the reference image. One thing I really liked about the older looking fire alarm was the fact the text kinda on the top of the alarm sticks out of the object slightly. Due to this I created another alpha saying “FIRE” and then added this to the mesh with the highest height setting. I also added a normal mapped screw to the front of the object.Texture

Overall this object was quite simple in nature however I really enjoyed making it, especially the texturing aspect.
