Synoptic Project – Updated Level Screenshots

Ben has been putting a lot of work into the main environment this week due to him downloading the most up to date build from the google drive and further developing the level. I have had some small inputs while the building process has been done however one key feature that has been added by Ben was the baked lighting. This has added a really nice effect to the level and ended up looking much nicer than what I had originally anticipated. Other than this some new assets have been imported into the scene and small tweaks have been made so that the level is prepared for the Minimal Viable Product deadline on Monday.

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From the very beginning of the project I had planned to take screenshots that show the different development stages of the level. With the rebuild I was able to do this with a more streamlined look with minimal camera movement. I set up the screenshot camera at the beginning of the rebuild and took one every so often. This is the result so far.


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