Synoptic Project – Creating a Pedestal

From the beginning of the project we knew that we would need some sort of pedestal that could be used to hold up the projector. Originally I had the idea of an older looking one as I thought it would have a nice contrast with the modern building and suit the overall tone. However from research I chose to go for a different more minimalistic approach.


At first I was leaning towards the idea of creating a basic rectangle that objects could be placed on, once id chosen to go for a more modern look. I thought this would fit the scene well but it was a little boring. due to this I chose to make some gaps in the mesh which would have glass plains placed into them.


I bevelled the edges to give the soft look that was in the reference image.


Due to the simple shape the UVs were really easy and quite fast to unwrap. I managed to sew most edges together which let me have a nice clean UV layout.UV Check

All the glass panes were the same object therefore I had their UVs layered on top of each other.UVs

Before exporting the fbx I wanted to make sure that the model would actually work with the transparent material on the plains. I tested this using the Maya shaders. One problem I encountered after I exported was that the glass was far too thick and looked a bit ridiculous, because of this I made it thinner.

Shader Set up

The texture I was going for was just a simple white glossy plastic as well as a nice semi transparent glass. Due to the simplicity not much other would could be done to the texture or model. Texture

This is the render. Render

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