Synoptic Project – Rebuilding the Level

One major mistake that we have all made was using slightly different versions of Unity. The level was working however we were having some smaller issues to do with broken textures as well as the lighting not working correctly. I think this may have been the issue and because of this I have spent today rebuilding the level from scratch in Unity 2017.1.3f1. This was very time consuming but I had a lot of fun doing this. A mistake I made during the building process was that I used the incorrect walls as they still had inside faces, these faces would cause lines to form between each panel resulting in the textures not being seamless. Due to this I had to re-import the wall assets which meant I basically started again twice. Me and Ben were sat on discord while I was building the level and he had input on many of the different assets and where they should be placed. We discussed were we thought the best place would be for some assets and agreed upon all the areas that things have been placed. I placed the animation scripts onto the revolving door as well as the air conditioning units fan so that the scene did not look as static and the detail it added was nice. Below are some in progress screenshots showing the level being built up from the first flooring area to having all of the walls up.

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Other than this I have also gotten to have a look at a few of my assets I have created over the course of the last few weeks that had not been in engine until today. I am really happy with the result on most of my models, one piece of early feedback I received as well as some feedback I also got from Kurtis was the actually change the wall texture as it looked busy, I agreed with this and today I also managed to import the new texture for it. I think it looks much better. The Vinyl writing on the wall also sticks out a lot more and has the effect I wanted it to have.

Old –


New –

Wall Improvement.PNG

Below are a few of my other models that I have imported into the scene. I am really proud with how all of them have turned out as well as how nice of an effect I think the emissive map on the fire exit.


Level rebuild.PNG

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