Synoptic Project – Project Check 2 & Overall Progress Update

Overall I am happy with my groups project at the project check 2 deadline. I feel that some people have contributed more than others however this should be changing over the coming weeks with our MVP only two weeks away. The most important job at the minute is the lighting as when this is done the MVP will be ready for our main level. However for our actual final project we need to have more code implemented and the three different builds of the game. At this point this is looking very achievable. A couple weeks into the project I changed a lot of the documentation around to fit a new specification which involved another build of the game where the player would try to steal the art. Me and my group agreed that we would have been able to get it done however rather than one really great looking project we would have ended up with two average looking projects. Due to this we agreed to speak to the client and ask what he would like. He agreed to focus on the Art Gallery level build without the robbery mechanics. Our feedback states that we are close to the MVP stage and I agree with this, Kurtis has created a build of the level with the webGL. It just reached the requirements as we did not have lighting set up correctly; we are also looking into possibly making the web build smaller by not including the cafe or theatre room due to the restrictions. Another key feature that we need to include from our feedback is the loading screen scripts so that our game must fully load the components before the level starts.

One clear piece of feedback we received was the Art Book breakdown which is required as art for our final product. I already have an idea how this will be done and I will begin the documentation before the MVP.


Once the project check was done my first task was to go back through the documentation and create some changes to suit a new plan, due to the removal of the robbery game. The first thing I did was change the key dates back to there original by pushing the MVP deadline back to April 30th. By this date we need the main game build including the models and lighting. Some of the less important models may be added on a later date due to other more important jobs taking their place.

Date Change

Once the dates were amended I went back into the job list for a third time and made some more changes. I added different tasks such as creating the loading screen script for the level as this was a new job. I also went through and removed all of the jobs associated to the robbery game.

Job List 1Job List 2Job List 3

Once the job list had been changed and updated I created a tally to see how many jobs there actually where, I then updated the burn-down chart with this new number and made all of the necessary changes to this.


So far in the project my group has always been ahead on how many jobs we had actually completed compared to how many were expected to be done, however at this point it may look like were falling behind slightly due to all of the different jobs that will not be fully completed till the final deadline. Overall I know my group are on track to completing this project and the final project will look really great. From the job list and burn down I can also see that over half the jobs have been completed and many other jobs have been started to some extent.

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