Synoptic Project – Scrum 26/03/18

Today I was absent from the primary weekly scrum due to illness however I managed to get a member of my group to send me the a picture of the scrum sheet. I placed this downloaded image onto the google drive as well as had a read through to see where everyone in my group is at. Currently the only issue we are having is that we have not tested the WebGL build yet, however this will be done at some point this week.

scrum 2The scrum log is being updated well and it also allows me to see where everyone in my group is at, I have reminded Luke and Kurtis to update this log as they do different tasks as they have not used it that much yet. Scrum3

So far we are perfectly on the predicted amount of jobs done, only two jobs got done last week. I had finished my fire extinguisher asset however I have not yet done the sign that will go above it which means that this job is still a work in progress. This week I will begin to model and texture the fire exit and the fire alarm assets. scrum1

From my production schedule I can see that I am currently slightly ahead of schedule as I have completed some of this weeks jobs last week as I had more time that expected.


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