Synoptic Project – Working on Feedback

As we had recently received our feedback it was important to me to begin work on this as soon as possible so that we make early improvements before carrying on the development and leaving them to the end. The first smaller problem which was an easy fix was improving our scrumming sessions. At the time we were only keeping record of our Monday morning scrum as well as the client meetings. However we were told we should keep track more than this and perhaps keep a word log.  Due to this I have set up a scrumming log in excel on the projects google drive. This will be updated anytime anyone starts a task, finishes a task, encounters a problem or has any relevant knowledge. The log has the date, the note and the person posting. This should help our teams communication in terms of where everyone is at, at all times, and as the team leader it gives me a solid overview of when people are doing the tasks.


The next piece of feedback was pretty major for the level as this required some changes to the actual initial layout. “Look at the white windows – we could create a more reflective material that is heavily blurred and partially transparent to suggest an exterior.” Due to this we decided to completely remove the emissive material from the windows and make it look like actual glass. Ben removed the emissive material in unity and also created a altered wall panel that had a hole in so that the player would actually be able to see the outside through the window and not just be looking at the wall. As originally the window panel was just placed onto the wall rather than being in it.2

While Ben was doing this task I began to create some low poly buildings which would be used to go on the outdoors and later blurred to suggest to the player the gallery is in a city. Due to the blurring the models require little to no detail. Due to this I created a single cube with the bottom and top faces removed.

MeshI went onto the substance share website and found a nice procedural texture that allows me to alter settings to create different simple building layouts. I altered these settings in a few different ways to create four different textures that will stand out from one another. Again these will be heavily blurred and only used to to simulate an outdoor environment and not actually be explorable. Settings

These were the renders of the different buildings. I tried to create quite a difference between the textures so they did not all look the same.

Render 1Render 2

Render 3Render 4

Ben then put these into the scene using the various different textures.


This is what they currently look like through the window without any blurring. We plan on developing some other smaller assets to go outside as well such as the roads.


Another problem with the level was my Bench and the way that it had been textured. I had used a very flat texture that did not look very appealing. It blended in with the floor and also did not look like the type of wood that would be used on an indoor bench. Because of this I found a waxed sort of wood that was a lot more dark in colour; so that it will contrast more with the flooring. New Render

We will continue to work on the feedback over the next couple of weeks as well as completing other jobs that we have on our production schedule.

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