Synoptic Project – Project Check 1 & Progress Update

Feedback“LM is sick. On track – 5 jobs ahead of shedule. Really nice progress on the whole – project is complete in unity. Benches are a little basic – work on creating a more detailed wood – I would do this through a high to low bake – look at real reference of wooden planks to inspire this. Design the Cafe inspired by blueprint designs of real ones. Look at the white windows – we could create a more reflective material that is heavily blurred and partially transparent to suggest an exterior. Think of the small details to add to desks to make it feel more alive. Think about how you will use the ceiling space – I would either add hanging lights or industrial air con. Look at soundproofing on the walls in the theatre. Look at making the benches in the theatre – these are a little boring – look at chester sofas. You are scrumming but it would be nice to see all scrums evidenced rather than only on your blog. Log everything you do on your individual contribution forms – some are up to date others are not.”

Overall I am happy with my groups progress by the first project check. We are five jobs ahead of schedule as of this week. Which means that we are exceeding our expected progress. Our feedback also shows that the quality of our product so far is good, which I am also very happy with. So far me and Ben have contributed many different assets to the scene and I believe that we will have the main level built by the MVP deadline. Kurtis and Luke will begin to implement their code to our level soon so that some different mechanics will be implemented. Our Trello is also perfectly fine as we update this when jobs get finished as well as add links to newer documentation when this is required. Some feedback we were given was the improve out scrum evidence and keep a word document that includes different notes as the members of the group complete or start tasks or if they encounter a problem and need some help. Because of this I will be setting up a production log for the group that can be updated as work is done. Other than this the group also needs to begin to work on a plan for the Artbook as this has not been done yet. Kurtis & Luke had also not updated their contribution forms at the time of the check however these have now been updated.

On an individual feedback basis I need to try and redo the texture of my Bench, this is because it looks flat due to the simple nature of the texture. it also does not contrast with the floor so it kind of just blends in. Other than this I will also be developing another wall panel which will have a hole in it. This will be for the window panel to slot into so that the player can now see through the windows rather than them being a white emissive texture.  I am currently ahead of my work schedule so I will have time to make these changes to my models.

Individual Production Schedule –


Job List –


Burndown –


Asset List –


Scrum Files –


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