Synoptic Project – Starting the Pre Production

Before meeting the Client Ben had researched into some Art galleries and collected a small collage of photos as a reference of what we are looking to create. This was the first stage in the pre production phase and the Client agreed with the concept research that we showed him.


We had chose to stick with the style that our previous pitch was based on. This was a minimalist approach to a real world environment which will look like what it is supposed to however it will be more simple in nature. I personally think this style will also go well with the VR Art Gallery as it will not take emphasis away from the pictures, if anything they will stand out more because of this.


Using the feedback and the information from the client we could begin to really flush out our pre production, as I am the project leader I began to create a production schedule. I added any jobs I could think of to the schedule, I also asked my team mates to add anything if I had missed something. This schedule may change over the next week as different jobs may be added or removed. Jobs like 3D modelling will be done right up until the final deadline but all of the High priority models should be done by the MVP deadline. The client states things like animations and interaction within the scene would be more of a stretch goal due to him wanting the main gallery and the display of the images to be number one priority. Other than this a main menu for possible navigation will be required as well as music to set the mood of the level. Another stretch goal would be to add a cafe area or lobby to the scene to add to the immersion of the level. We will have to take the VR into account for all of these jobs to make sure it will work correctly.


While I was making the production schedule Luke began to make a create the Job List as well as the Asset list. This list would include all of the individual jobs that are on the production schedule but with a more in depth look. I slightly changed the layout of the list so it was a bit more clean and the whole group will be adding to this list so that we can get the Art Gallery fully planned out before the main production begins.

listlist 2

Other than these lists Kurtis began to do some research into the programming that will go in the game so that the mechanics work and Ben has started to create the level block out as well as the blueprint.

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