Synoptic Project – Meeting the client

This morning we met with the Client that would like the VR art gallery creating for his website. Through this meeting we got a solid idea of what our minimal viable product is as well as what sort of things he would like included. The primary take away from this meeting was that he wanted a simplistic building that would have plain walls with places to put the art. Some of the art will be given to us to put in ourselves and we will be creating frames to the correct size for each picture to go in. However one key part is that the pictures need to be easily changeable by anyone who opens the software, this is the allow accessibility so when a new art exhibition is on they can implement the new images and possibly remove the old. Another key part of this project will be the lighting in the scene, he emphasised on using spotlights to nicely light each piece of art work as well as making the scene appealing. These are the primary points that stood out and the Client did have other input which Kurtis noted down during the meeting. 5

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