Imagine Worlds – Finishing Touches & Making the Presentation

Over the past week Ben worked on some of the final few touches that would go into the unreal 4 scene such as some small animations as well as a couple extra sound cues. Once this was done we were able to export the final version of our scene. We took the export to my house so that we could use a capture software to record the gameplay that would be used in our final video teaser. The footage was roughly four minutes long as the main purpose of the scene was to show off our 3D modelling skills as well as include diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. We did encounter some small problems with the capture software as the quality was not that great. After some research and some trial and error I had noticed it was a compression issue on the export. I then fixed this problem by removing the compression which meant the video file size was larger but still manageable.


Once this video was done I began to work on the presentation by compiling images from different stages of the development of our scene as well as the individual renders of everyone’s models, so that we can display what everyone’s individual contribution is effectively. To also prepare me and Ben have updated all the documentation such as the asset list and the burn-down chart so that it is correct before hand in. While I was creating the presentation Ben was doing some final edits of the video in Adobe Premier.


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