Creative & Technical Modelling – Rendering My Axe Again

As my Creative & Technical model is due in on Monday I chose to use this time to make sure that my workflow was completed to the best of my ability. One of my main pieces of feedback that I received was that I needed some beauty shots of my model as well as a wire-frame render; as well as a poly count. These shots would be necessary for my final portfolio piece that will be used to show off my model. Initially I had just used the renderer that is built into substance however I wanted to return to use Arnold for this. One mistake that I had made with my renders last year was that I did not use the AiStandard shader when rendering with Arnold which explained why I could not get normal maps to work in the rendered image. To set up this shader I simply created an aiStandard and then plugged in the textures that I had to re-export from Substance with the Arnold Settings.

Arnold 2

It looked a little strange as if I had done some shell shading on the objects texture however when I took the render the maps worked fine. Another thing that I used was the Arnold Lighting. For this object I used the aiSkyDome. Arnold 1

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Once I had all of the renders I needed I placed these images into my new portfolio page.

Axe Portfolio Render.png

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