Imagine Worlds – Minimal Viable Product Hand in

Feedback – “Great looking environment so far! Play around with lighting, especially around the fire, and the atmosphere. Add creepy sounds and animation triggers, subtle movements to existing objects to build tension, etc. Seal the scene off and add in the trail you mentioned to let players know where to head.”

Today was the deadline for the Minimal Viable Product to be handed in. Overall I was really happy with the progress that had been made to this project. The overall look of all of the objects fit with the tone and the style of the level and a lot of the in engine work that me and Ben had done for the project had really paid off. Some of the assets from the asset list had not been completed by the deadline however this was due to the fact that we kept adding assets to the list as well and it was ever growing. This shows that our pre-planning could have been better as a longer list could have been made initially. Over the next two weeks we are going to work on the finalisation of the level and use the feedback as a list of things we will try and get done by the deadline.

Below are many different screenshots of our level at the MVP stage, I do not think this will change much in terms of assets however different lighting and animations will be put in place so there is more tension within the gameplay.



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