Imagine Worlds – Lighting Changes

After adding in the flickering lights last week Ben came up with the idea of further developing this concept and rather than using this on the wall lamps we added a ceiling light into the scene within the kitchen and added a dim flickering light to this area. I really liked the look and effect that this light had on the scene.


We were also initially going to add the flashlight asset so that the character was holding it, however instead we chose to set it up on the chair in the bedroom and have it shining towards the trap door to show that this area may be of significance to the player, as this area may be where the level ends. torchbedroom

We are now down to the last two weeks on this project and almost all of the assets that we needed for the creation of the scene has been complete and this means we have been able to focus on more level oriented changes. We have discussed the possibility of adding different sound cues to the scene such as a ringing phone that may prompt the character to go over and interact with that item just to add a little backstory to the level. As originally the level was intended to just be a really nice looking environment.

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