Imagine Worlds – Phone

This model was not necessarily complicated however this model took me longer than expected to create, this is due to me not being able to work out how I could do the phone itself. I eventually decided create the phone using 2 half spheres and a curved rectangle that I added a bevel to. Below is an image of all the different attempts I had at creating the phone itself.

Different Designs

Once the design was set I began to UV unwrap the different meshes and objects. The unwrapping was not too complicated however it was time consuming getting the unwrap done correctly.


Originally rather than having the phone on the hook I was going to have it hanging, however once in the scene this would have looked very strange without having any animation on the wire, as it would have had to swing to look realistic; because of this I reverted to the original design.

alt design

I had struggled creating the wire as the different tutorials I tried to follow did not work, I could not find a resolve for this problem so I got some help from Ben as he had created a wire like this in the past. Due to this he sent me the wire so that I could attach it to my model.  Below is an image of the final model.


As I wanted some more practise using substance painter, I chose to do a few different textures for the model just to get an idea of how it could look. The original material I used looked very rubbery rather than the plastic look I was going for, I had used two different colours with this material, the red and cream.


I then tried a different material however this also looked rather rubbery.


For the buttons I downloaded a numbers pack and imported this as an alpha into substance, I attached this to a brush and painted the numbers on. I also added a circular hard surface to make the buttons have more detail and look indented.


I was happy with the textures on the buttons but I was not so sure if I actually liked the rest of the texture. Due to this I got a second opinion from my group and I decided to make it look more like plastic after this feedback.

Before –


After –

Phone Final

I was glad I chose to get this feedback as the texture ended up looking much better. I used a glossy plastic material and I also added some masks to this so that the hook could be a rough metal. I also added a smart mask to the material which added in some indents and scratches, I had also painted some of these on for some extra detail.

This is the final result.

Phone Final.png

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