My Bedroom – Low Poly (Maya)

As it has been a few weeks since I have used maya I chose to come back to the software by creating a low poly environment based on the basic layout of my bedroom, I also improvised in certain locations just to make the room more interesting and this also allowed me to develop some other low poly items that you would not normally find in my room.


I started this by creating my desk and monitors first, once this corner of the room had been done i began to branch out from there and it slowly began to fill.

Capture 2

I went with the same overall colour scheme as my bed room however I wanted to take a minimalist approach and to help with this I kept the objects as one solid colour.capture 3

This is the finished project and I may begin to develop this further by creating other rooms in my household as each room would be unique in the terms of objects and furniture.  I chose to render the scene out using Arnold and I could not have been happier with the way it turned out.

capture 4

wireframe combo.png

capture 5 - background.png

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