Evolution of Games Design – Skyrim

The elder scrolls games have always had a unique plot line which is significant to that game but it has kept its main overall style throughout. In oblivion the objective is to close all of the gates the upcoming of the daedra whereas skyrim has similar mechanics but its about the return of the dragons and the dragonborn. Skyrim was released nearer to the time of the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3′ ends. Because of this they were able to peak the performance of this console and knew all of the limitations that they had. Oblivion came out nearer the beginning of this generations run and graphically the game looks nowhere near as good.

Image result for oblivion elder scrolls

Skyrim as a whole pushes all of the limitations of the hardware to its max. This is a game I have put many hours into on console and I have had frame-rate issues on two occasions. Which all things considering it not many times at all. This game is still played today on PC and I believe the reason for this is because of the developers releasing a modding kit that was open to the public to download. This allowed the general player to be able to import and create there own mods into the game which allow the possibilities to be endless. This has greatly  increased the replay-ability as different none official stories can be played and different weapons can be downloaded and used.  Of course the developers do not make money from these mods but it has allowed the game to be even more memorable.

Another reason this game holds up is how you can sort of choose your own path for the character as their are many different options and paths to go down and things to do around the main story which was also very good. Due to the new hardware Skyrim was also re released with all of its DLC on consoles however they only upscale the textures which means that this version of the game did not abuse the technology that it was being created for.

Image result for skyrim screenshot

I believe that the target audience for this game is both male and females. Your character can also be male or female in game and edited and it has minimal changes you can make so that your character is unique, different races such as nords and argonains also exist to add to the fantasy aspect of the game which gives the game more of a unique selling point compare to others.