Recreating my Portfolio

Over the last couple of days I decided to completely scrap my old portfolio and build one from the ground up, this was to make sure that I only have the images and videos that I would like to include in my portfolio at this time, I also changed the whole general layout by removing a lot of the words within the slides so that it was mostly image based. I changed the layout of the images so that they filled more of the screen and titled each slide accordingly. My feedback from my original portfolio was as follows..

  • Put three or less images per slide
  • Give significant images there own pages
  • Create high quality Animations
  • Use more images rather than text when explaining games story
  • Continue to self reflect
  • Try and choose a focus point for my work

I feel like I am beginning to hit most of this criteria and I have also been putting a lot of thought into what I would like to specialize in next year. I have also been using the brief to help me to know what I must include within the portfolio as I need aspects from every area.  I will be continuing to work on the portfolio until the day I must present it.


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