VFX Final Project – Adding More Effects

On Thursday I began to work more on my final VFX project, at this point of time I had all of my clips in the correct order and I also had most of the effects already added in. However after watching it through a couple of times and tweaking some smaller things I had noticed that it still looked pretty plain even though I was almost finished. Another problem I had was that I could not find any good sound effects to go into the video and it looked strange without sound. Because of these issues I decided to change the theme of my project to a silent movie to add more comedic effect. This effect took me a while to add but I eventually got it done, I also added in black screens that would include what the character was saying at that specific moment.  This adds an overall better touch to what was a pretty plain video. Currently the video is around 30 seconds long and all I have left to do is export the video. Capture

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