Animation Walk Cycle

The final steps for this animation was to add in a few more frames to make it look more fluent, I also added movement to the hips and the shoulders to make it look realistic. I am pretty happy with how this turned out overall and for a first proper attempt I think I have done well.

Once the key frames were all inserted and all of the animation within the graph was curved I added some lights into the scene and batch rendered using Maya Software. The reason for this was because I preferred the cartoon look of Maya rather than going for more realistic with Arnold. Also I couldn’t work out why but turtle did not look very good even after I had turned the sample rates up. Even though I have used the standard renderer I still like the look of it. Once this was done I imported the image sequence into Adobe Premier and within this I added a white background into the project to add appeal. Once this was sorted I exported from Premier in HD 1080p and set the frames per second to 24 as this is what the animation was created at.


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