VFX – Producer + Motion Sketch

Firstly I created a solid then also created a null. I added a particle effect to the solid and then I typed in “wiggle(1,400)” into the nulls Expression Position. This means that the null will wiggle across the scree, this mean that I could attach the position of the solid to the nulls position and this means that it follows the null. I then changed the physics to Directional Normalized. I then changed the radius to 0.1 to create thin lines. I then duplicated the solid and changed the position slightly which resulted in the video below.

VFX Wiggle.gif

I then began to change other physics settings such as gravity and I duplicated the solids to add a bit of differentiation. This looks like some kind of windows vista screen saver.

wiggle 2.gif

Next I inserted the motion path window and added a new null, on the null I added a sketch path and sketched my nickname. Using this I could then attach the effect the the null like I did previously and the effect would follow the motion path. This meant that I could write my name out. I also added a small progress bar at the bottom.


Dystopian Vehicle – Preparation

This week in Tony’s lesson we started to look into other ways of creating textures and rendering models so that we can get a sharper edge and a more realistic look when it comes to creating our vehicles. To do this we were given a small totem with spikes on and we were also given the UVs. We then began to create a texture for it in Photoshop. Rather than souring textures I painted it and tried to add shading to give it a more realistic look. This was the final texture. I used a mixture of the gradient tool and the dissolve paint brush.


I then applied the texture.

We also had a go at using the turtle renderer I used this on a model I created previously.


Maya – Blackboard

The other day one of my friends began to develop a creepy environment within unity using models that have been created in Maya. He started the project and I began to help him out a little bit, to do this I developed two blackboards, one for a classroom and one for a staff room. Creating this wasn’t too hard, the longest part was creating the textures for them. I UV unwrapped it and added a wood texture for the outline and a chalkboard texture for the inside. Using Photoshop I then downloaded a font that would allow me to add words to the board that look like they are written in chalk.


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