Animation Analysis – For the Birds.

Appeal – The birds used within the animation are very cure due to there big eyes, beak and the colours used. Even though the birds are simple in design the use of eye shape helps the viewer to understand what the bird is thinking. The big bird is supposed to be favored by the viewer so he is more unique and even has his own sound.

Anticipation – When the big bird jumps onto the wire it slowly begins to stretch downwards, due to this the viewer begins to anticipate that there is tension building. The big bird then falls off which causes the wire to shoot up.

Exaggeration – The size of the birds beaks and eyes seem to be exaggerated and also at 2.27 when the wire shoots back up the feathers stay in position for a few seconds until they begin to slowly fall, this emphasizes how fast the birds traveled.

Staging – We can see that the smaller birds are arguing among each other until a large unique bird comes along which seems pretty simple minded, through this the smaller birds begin to pick on it and become angry and try to get the big bird off the wire. When the bird falls off the wire but its hanging on with his legs the camera zooms and emphasizes on this.

Slow in Slow out – When the large bird lands on the wire it begins to slowly stretch and then speed up.

Secondary Action – The birds feathers getting left behind and the wire bouncing are both secondary actions.




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