My Ident – Early Development

From the previous lessons I had a small amount of experience in the creation of animation, because of this was I was to put the main key frames into the animation and use pose to pose animation. For the robot I used pose to pose but because the animation involves dominoes to give it a more natural fall I did this in straight forward. So this animation will be developed using a hybrid of the two. I am still in the early development process however so far I have animated the robot bumping into the dominoes and the dominoes falling. I still need to tweak the dominoes slightly and I also need to fill in the gaps of the robots animation as so far it only has the key poses in. I still need to make the robot look around a little bit and I also need to add a bend deformer to the tail when it moves to make it look more realistic. This is what I have so far.

In the lesson we were introduced to cameras and how they can be used to gave a fixed point of view on the animation. You can also move the camera and add in key frames so that the camera follows a certain path. Using the panels tab we can also change our view to the cameras perspective. Using this knowledge I will be able to placer a camera into the scene that will pan above the dominoes once they have fell.

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