Thinking Inside The Box – Sofa, Table, Door & Extras

Tonight was a very productive night for modelling so I have chosen to stick all of my images into a single blog post. Below are the various different models that I have created for my room.

Door –

For the door I started with a cube and simply began to extrude the different faces until it had a nice amount of detail, for the handle I created  a sphere and a cylinder and combined the shapes together.

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Bottles –

The bottles wererather tricky to create, I started out with a cylinder and had to get an image for reference, I then used this image in maya to allow me to fit the edges of the cylinder with the bottle so that I could get the basic shape. I then  created the bottle texture by selecting a colour and making it 50% transparent so that it looked a little bit clear. To add a little bit of variety I created three different types, all different colours, and all different labels.

Sofa –

For the sofa I started with a cube then created the basic shape using the one in my room as a reference. The pillows were then created separately and placed onto the sofa. As I had the basic sofa shape I was also able copy it, shrink it down a little bit and create an arm chair.

Ping Pong Paddles & Ball  –

For this I used a similar technique that I did with the bottle. I found a reference image and resized a cylinder into the same basic shape. As it was such a small item I dragged and dropped the textures straight into the shaders. There were three in total. One for the handle, and two for the sides. The ball is the simplest thing I have made so far and I do not think it warrants a description on how I made it.


Coffee Table  – The coffee table was a bit of a pain to create, This is because I had to create the top as a separate object, It took me about three attempts to notice this. This is because I tried to have the stand connected to the top by extruding the faces, however when I put the transparent texture on it caused the stand to go see through as the top face was transparent. I ended up creating the top completely separate and then texturing this by turning the transparency up on the shaders options.


Bowling Pin –

Finally I made  a bowling pin because I think they’re cool and will make good scenery in my room.



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