Thinking Inside The Box – Progression Part 1

Tonight I had came to the conclusion that I had created enough objects that I could get a feel for how big the room would be so I began to design the basics of it. I started the room by inverting a cube so that the faces were on the inside. I also set the display to Backface Culling. This meant that the nearest faces to me do not appear so that i can design the interior with ease. I then UV unwrapped the cube and added a wallpaper and carpet texture to it. This may not be final it was just so I could get  a basic feel of what the room will be like. I then began dragging and dropping the objects I created into the scene, the room began to fill up rather nicely and I personally think I have made good progress so far, I have hit a few minor problems along the way that were easily fixed and one major problem which resulted in me having to completely redo the model but overall I am really enjoying learning the ins and outs of Maya. Below are a couple screenshots of how my room is coming along.


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