VFX- Introduction to Adobe After Effects

Today I had a short introduction to Adobe After effects. We started by importing some video files, a sound file and a Photoshop image. I then saved the after effects file into my workplace, I frequently saved throughout the tutorial encase the program was to crash. I was then given the freedom to play around with the software after we learnt about the different effects. First thing I changed was the text, I did this by changing the font and I also added the 2D Zoom Spin effect. This made the text spin onto the screen into its position. I then duplicated the main video which was the dancers. I put the duplicated video in both corners and shrunk it. I then duplicated the main video again and placed it behind the main video and added the Radial Blur effect. This made the video blurry, by putting this behind the scene it made the dancers look like they had some sort of motion blur around them. Below is a GIF of the finished video. I did render it however it sadly could not be uploaded.gif


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