Flash Games Testing – Slither.io

Another game I decided to play is a game called Slither.io This games objective is to eat mass and try and become the biggest snake in the game. Within the game there are hundreds of other players who also have the same objective. The mass that you eat are small glowing circles and when these are eaten the snake grows. When the user starts they are very small. The games background is very simple so that the emphasis is on the different snakes. The snakes are either random colours, or patterns that can be unlocked through numerous different methods. It’s not common that I came across a player with the same skin as me which means that the game has a vast art style which makes everyone unique. The game is addicting as you compete against other players to be the best. You also have the choice to sabotage players so that you can eat them and steal mass. The image below shows the mass circles on the map and the different snakes up against the background that they slither across. slither

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